Polarized lenses, what they are and when to use them

Enhance Your Outdoor Performance by Choosing Polarized Lenses… Here Are All the Benefits

Are you a fan of high-altitude snowboarding? Do you spend most of your time on a surfboard, riding the waves? There are everyday situations where sunlight reflections, if not perfectly filtered, can affect your clear vision of surroundings and objects. This is caused by the "glare" of natural light, which is the bounce of light waves off surfaces.


The ideal solution to limit or eliminate this visual distortion is the use of polarized lenses. These special lenses have the unique ability to filter out harmful UV rays, reduce glare, improve contrast and visual performance, all while protecting your eyes.

Lenti polarizzate, cosa sono e quando utilizzarle


How Do Polarized Lenses Work?

The term “polarization” refers to the ability of waves to change their orientation when they come into contact with objects. Specifically, it refers to polarized light when light waves reflect off a flat surface such as snow or water. The change in axis on the refracting surface results in a very intense brightness responsible for the phenomenon of glare.


Polarized sunglasses, by reducing reflected light, allow for clearer and more defined vision, enhance contrast, and improve color perception. Additionally, lenses equipped with polarizing filters reduce eye strain since the eyes do not have to work as hard to compensate for glare and other phenomena caused by reflected light.

When to Choose Polarized Lenses for Your Sunglasses

If you love spending a lot of time outdoors with complete freedom, sunglasses with polarized lenses can provide you with the peace of mind you need. You will significantly reduce glare from reflected light, optimizing visual clarity during sports activities or driving. outdoor.


Sunglasses Revo feature lenses that offer maximum protection against ultraviolet and infrared rays. They are the ideal choice for those who need perfect vision during sports activities or specific eye protection.


Sunglasses Oakley are also the perfect choice for those seeking innovative technological solutions to enhance performance in outdoor activities, all while maintaining an attractive design.


The polarized lenses of Persol sunglasses are entirely handmade in Italy. These lenses have become a must-have for many, symbolizing a unique style with frames of the highest quality, crafted through Italian craftsmanship.

Lenti polarizzate, cosa sono e quando utilizzarle

Protect Your Eyes in Intense and Reflected Light Conditions

Non bisogna sottovalutare i pericoli della rifrazione luminosa quando si è alla guida o quando si pratica sport. I riflessi orizzontali della luce alterano la visione, creando abbagliamento e stancando gli occhi. La luce del sole in particolare su alcune superfici come acqua, neve, sabbia e asfalto può rappresentare un pericolo, soprattutto quando si è al volante, in bicicletta o alla guida di un mezzo di trasporto. Quello che ne deriva infatti, è un vero e proprio effetto accecante e talvolta pericoloso. Per questi motivi, indossando un paio di occhiali da sole con lenti polarizzate si può ottimizzare la visione di rilievi e contrasti, migliorando notevolmente anche l’acuità visiva ed aumentando le prestazioni sportive. Ecco tutti i vantaggi derivanti dall’utilizzo di lenti con filtro polarizzato:
      • eliminazione dell’energia luminosa derivante dai riverberi pericolosi;
      • migliore percezione dei contrasti ed una conseguente visione più nitida anche in lontananza;
      • colori più naturali e saturi senza affaticamento della vista;
      • protezione costante dai raggi UV.
Sfoglia il catalogo con tutti i modelli di occhiali da sole, scegli la lente polarizzata adatta al tuo stile di vita e godi a pieno le tue attività all’aria aperta.


Author: OtticaLucciola

Ottica Lucciola

Via Vitruvio, 97—99, 04023 Formia (LT), Italia



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